This website is really simple. It’s about having conversations with young people about safe driving. And everything starts with a convo…

Our Vision

WHY we get out of bed in the morning…

To help young people get to their destinations safely. We do it because we know the devastating consequences of unsafe choices. And we believe conversations are the most powerful… the most effective… and the most enjoyable way to change driving culture and choices.

Our Objectives

WHAT we want to achieve…

1. have enjoyable, informative and inspiring conversations about safe driving

2. share ideas, suggestions, stories & resources for changing driving culture & choices

3. reduce the incidence of unsafe driving & increase the likelihood young people get to their destinations safely

15 Minute Conversation

A 15 Minute Conversation is a quick introduction to what we are about i.e. making connections and having conversations we’re not having about safe driving.

Road Trip Conversations

Getting away on a road trip is one of the best ways to have conversations. Book now to join our next Road Trip.

Drink About It Conversations

‘Drink About It’ conversations are a simple and enjoyable way to talk with young people about safe driving.

Do you have what it takes to initiate conversations? Initiate one now and talk with us about becoming a Legend…